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Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary | western ghats | kerala wildlife tour packages
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Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary

Amazing Kerala / Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary

Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary

The Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary built up in 1938 spreads a locale of 53 sq. km. on the Western Ghats of south Kerala. The haven is found 50km north to the Thiruvanantapuram city of Kerala. The spot is stunning for its thick timberland territories, dam site, perfectly clear streams and rough territory, eucalyptus estates that are perfect for an experienced endeavor.

The timberland has the scene of west coast tropical area, southern slope top tropical locale, sodden blended deciduous woods, myristica swamp backwoods, submontane slope valley swamp woodland. The Southern slope top tropical evergreen scene is found over 1000 m height and has less ideal soil and climatic conditions. About 60% of the woodland is of the southern soggy blended deciduous backwoods. The elevation of this asylum begins from 100 meters and the range reaches out to 1717 meters. The significant pinnacles are chemmunjimottai of 1717 meters, athirumalai of 1594m, arumukhamannu of 1457 meters, koviltherimalai of 1313 m, and nachiyadikannu of 957 meters. The temperature of the asylum ranges from 16 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees Celsius. The significant waterways here are the Karamana River and the tributaries of the stream. The region gets normal precipitation of 2500 mm.

The asylum ensures the differing mammalian fauna which incorporates panther, Asian elephant, sambar and so on. Malabar dark hornbill, little sunbird, white-bellied Treepie are usually observed birdlife in the asylum. The Peppara Dam is the significant fascination of the site which is on the quiet Karamana River. The Kottoor save and the Palode save additionally go under the Peppara untamed life haven.

Best Time to Visit Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary :

January to March will be fitting a very long time to visit this asylum. In spite of the fact that the recreation center is open consistently, yet these 3 months offer a charming atmosphere and the best touring chance. On the off chance that you need to make a few corrections in the arrangement, you can likewise design your visit during the long periods of December and April. These months are not lumbering as the remainder of the months.

Trek to Vazhvanthol falls

Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary offers outstanding amongst other trekking choices in the capital city. This trek begins from Kaanithara, close Vithura, and the underlying trek, through eucalyptus manors could be simple. This 5 km not all that hard trekking to Vazhvanthol is an astonishing encounter. A guide will go with you for this one-day trekking program.

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